Tuesday, 17 December 2013

A beautiful day for verge cutting.

I took the opportunity (before the severe weather arrives tomorrow) to improve our sight lines by cutting down lots of bushes, brambles and scrub from the road side verge. In addition to planting a 2 acre orchard we will be encouraging biodiversity by planting new hedging, shrubs and trees over the next few years.

Looking east on A811

I reckon this oak was about 50 years old. A casualty of the 5th December storm.
Will need to invest in a larger chain saw!

Looking west on A811

Looking east on A811

Monday, 4 November 2013

Planning applications approved

We are delighted to announce that we have now received planning approval for all the buildings required to start Foragers Foods.  Watch this space for occasional progress updates.  2014 is going to be a very busy year.

Thursday, 27 June 2013

First products for sale

Locally produced living culinary herbs & salad leaves growing in 1 litre pots for longer lasting use.

Some images of our first crop of potted herb and salad leaves. Cut & Come Again Lettuce, Coriander, Nasturtium, Thyme.

Our labels were designed by design agency, the McAlpine partnership.

Friday, 17 May 2013

We have lift off

It's been a challenging start to the growing season but we are getting signs of encouragement and the first herb seeds have finally germinated.

Corriander Slow Bolt

Friday, 22 March 2013


Foragers Foods were pleased to attended the 2nd Local Food Summit on Saturday 16th March in the town hall, Alloa.  The event was organised by Forth Environment Link "for everyone interested in local sustainable food...whether you want to buy it, eat it, sell it, cook it or simply savour it".

Despite the cold wet weather, the event was well attended by local producers and consumers alike.  There was an interesting and informative presentation on "Inspiring Food Cities" by Laura Stewart, director of Soil Association Scotland as well as table topics on composting, Greenspace Scotland, Stepin Stones and Permaculture.  Of particular interest to Foragers Foods was information on the Forth Valley Orchard Initiative.

All in all it was a great opportunity to network with local groups and individuals within the Forth Valley area as well as see some of the folks we met at last years event.

We're already looking forward to Grow Forth 2014 to be held in Falkirk.

Friday, 25 January 2013

We've been busy

While our planning applications are being considered (it takes a while)...

...we have been busy making improvements to fencing...

...to accommodate our small flock of "grass cutters".